Article 1: Definitions and general provisions

1. “Camicol” means the private limited company under Belgian law Camicol bv, with registered office at Lobeliastraat 4, B-8670 Koksijde, with enterprise number 0559.805.014.

2. “The Customer” means any natural or legal person who orders or purchases goods from Camicol for professional purposes.

3. These general terms and conditions apply to any agreement between Camicol and the Customer, and can only be deviated from expressly and in writing.

4. A deviating clause only replaces the clause from which it deviates and no other elements of the agreement.

5. The invalidity of a clause does not affect the validity of other clauses.

6. The Customer acknowledges that its own general terms and conditions do not apply.

Article 2 : Formation du contrat

§1. Camicol a le droit de refuser des commandes et des clients potentiels sans devoir pour cela se justifier. §2. Un contrat entre Camicol et le Client n’est formé que lorsque Camicol accepte une commande. §3. L’acceptation d’une commande ou d’un formulaire de commande se fait tacitement lorsque Camicol ne refuse pas la commande expressément et par écrit au plus tard dix jours après réception de la commande. §4. Si le Client annule une commande avant son acceptation par Camicol, Camicol a droit à une indemnité égale à 30% de la valeur de la commande (hors TVA). §5. Si le Client annule une commande après son acceptation par Camicol, Camicol a droit à une indemnité égale à 100% de la valeur de la commande (hors TVA). §6. Toute commande acceptée forme un contrat distinct entre Camicol et le Client. §7. L’acceptation successive de commandes ne fait pas naître un contrat-cadre ou un contrat à durée indéterminée entre Camicol et le Client.

Article 3: Prices

1. All prices are exclusive of taxes, and transport and packaging costs.
2. Camicol shall provide the Customer with recommended pricing to the end customer.

Article 4: Delivery

1. The Customer shall respect the agreed delivery period and shall receive the goods at that time.

2. The Customer acknowledges that refusal of the goods is equated with cancellation, which obliges the customer to pay Camicol a fee of 100% of the value of the order (excluding VAT).

3. Meeting the stated delivery deadline constitutes a best efforts obligation on the part of Camicol.

4. The goods are shipped at the risk of the Customer.

5. All visible defects are deemed to have been accepted if they are not reported by an official email within three days of receipt.

6. A difference in colour shading between the images or samples and the delivered goods is not considered a defect.

Article 5: Payment

1. All invoices are payable at the registered office of Camicol within the period stated on the invoice.

2. Camicol may choose to which debt of the Customer it allocates the payments.

3. The Customer may not offset the amounts it owes to Camicol with amounts that Camicol might owe to the Customer.

4. Camicol may investigate the creditworthiness of the Customer.

5. If there are indications that the Customer’s creditworthiness may be compromised, Camicol may demand from the Customer a deposit, full payment in advance, the provision of additional information and/or the provision of additional guarantees before delivering the goods.

Article 6 : Faute contractuelle

§1. A défaut de paiement intégral à l’échéance d’une ou plusieurs factures, Camicol a droit, sans qu’une mise en demeure préalable soit requise à cet effet, à (i) des intérêts moratoires à hauteur de 10% par an ou, si ceux-ci sont plus élevés, à un intérêt calculé au taux prévu en application de l’article 5 de la Loi du 2 août 2002, en tout cas à partir de l’échéance de la facture jusqu’au moment du paiement intégral et (ii) une indemnité forfaitaire égale à 10% du montant en souffrance, avec un minimum de EUR 125, sans préjudice du droit de Camicol à une indemnité plus élevée si les dommages de Camicol sont plus importants. §2. Si le Client ne respecte pas un engagement, Camicol peut demander soit l’exécution plus le paiement des indemnités susmentionnées, soit la résolution du contrat. §3. En cas de résolution du contrat à la charge du Client, Camicol a droit à la restitution des marchandises déjà livrées et à une indemnité égale à 30% du prix d’achat net (hors TVA), sans préjudice du droit de Camicol à des dommages-intérêts plus élevés si le préjudice de Camicol est plus important.

Article 7: Customer obligations
1. Camicol uses a selective distribution system to maintain Camicol luxury image.

2. This Article 7 describes the conditions that a Customer must meet to be an authorised distributor of Camicol goods.

3. The Customer shall always include at least 20% of Camicol range in its product offerings.

4. The Customer shall develop and furnish its website in a manner that is in line with the relevant professional standard and the luxury image of Camicol goods.

5. The Customer shall state on its website (i) all relevant product information, including at least a size chart and the dimensions and weight of the goods; (ii) only use photos provided by Camicol; (iii) use all photos provided by Camicol; (iv) only use the product name used and supplied by Camicol.

6. The Customer will not disclose Camicol images via social or other media before the official launch of the collection and the publication of the images on Camicol website.

7. The Customer shall deliver sold goods to the end customer no later than 5 days after ordering if the end customer resides in the same country, and no later than 10 days after ordering if the end customer resides in a different country.

8. Unless explicitly granted an exception by Camicol, the Customer shall never offer the goods exclusively online, but also maintain at least one physical point of sale that meets the conditions described below.

9. The Customer shall sell the goods in a physical point of sale whose location, decoration, range and customer experience match the luxury image of Camicol goods.

10. The Customer shall have sufficient space in its physical point of sale, and guarantees the orderly and convenient presentation of at least one of all items from the collection purchased by the Customer.

11. The Customer shall not sell Camicol goods in a physical point of sale located less than 15 kilometres from an already recognised Camicol distributor for the Customer.

12. The Customer shall not resell Camicol goods to professionals who are not distributors authorised by Camicol.

13. The Customer shall not sell Camicol goods via third-party online or offline marketplaces and only in their own brick or online store.

Article 8: Retention of title

1. Transfer of ownership of the goods takes place only when Camicol has received full payment.

2. The risk for safeguarding the goods passes to the Customer at the time of delivery. The Customer remains the custodian of the goods until full payment.

Article 9: Limitation of liability

1. The liability of Camicol with respect to the Customer, also as a result of gross negligence, is limited to the net purchase amount of the order or orders to which the negligence in question relates.

2. Camicol is not liable for indirect damage, including loss of profit, loss of opportunity, storage costs, preservation costs and the like.

Article 10: Intellectual property
1. All intellectual property rights applicable to Camicol goods remain the exclusive property of Camicol.

2. The Customer shall inform Camicol of the existence of counterfeit or reproductions of Camicol goods as soon as they come to its attention.

Article 11: Applicable law and competent court

1. Belgian law applies to any dispute regarding the performance of the agreement between Camicol and the Customer. 

2. The enterprise court of Ghent, Ostend division, has exclusive jurisdiction to resolve these disputes.